our alumni from Germany,
Swizerland and Austria
Berlin is one of the main European start-up hubs. In 2022 baby vc expanded to the DACH region around Germany, Austria and Switzerland and is about to launch the third bootcamp in the region!
Check out or previous batches below!
Batch 3
fall 2023
Lucie Vanhollebeke
Emilie Cousin
Erik Schäffner
Hazal Ece Ozturk
Adam Gdoura
Henrik Huelsenbeck
Jaclyn Hovsmith
Patrick Ebel
Laïda Landea Ruiz
Willem Duyck
Louis Wübben
Karina Repko
Rakshit Kharbanda
Linus Wetzig
Rebecca Zhu
Polina Shcheglova
Tiago Alves
Andy Yu
Yasmin Krieg
Yu Sun
Batch 2
spring 2023
Anna Hochmuth
Anne-Sophie Krechting
Dina Mertens
Fabian Kistner
Franziska Rhein
Helene Kapelari
Keno Heinrich
Lara-Selin Avci
Laura Frank
Louise Scalette Maunoir
Mayank Garg
Nicklas Schneider
Nico Stabla
Niklas Schwab
Noya Assaraf
Özge Sahin
Patricia Meka
Timo Raith
Tomas Moravec
Zeno Fox
Mika Weissengerger
Batch 1
fall 2022
Sebastian Pollross
Josefine Stippl
Jennifer Mack
Aurel Knie
Marijan Divkovic
Maximilian J. Roesel
Louis Scheibli
Tom Oechel
Samuel Pfisterer
Claas Wunderer
Hannah Samira Schmidt
Jonas Tamme
Arne Unkrig
Mariia (Masha) Eremeeva
Raphaël Wat